It’s official…We’re Staying!

OMG…we bought a house…on the other side of the country. I still can’t believe it’s real somedays. We put in an offer in February, which was accepted the very next day and we became the official owners with keys in hand by March 15th.


The funny thing is we almost settled on another piece of property. It was nearly 2 acres, 1800 sqft, and had a massive shop. The house had everything we needed, but the house itself was not quite for me. It just didn’t feel like home, but everyone else was really excited about it and we could make it work. So, we began the process of making an offer with our realtor…I didn’t sleep a wink that night. When I got up for work, I said to Chris that I felt we were making a mistake. If it snowed, we would need a quad to get out of the driveway, we were off the beaten path abit more than we wanted, there was NO room for guests and the maintenance of the property was way more than what we wanted for right now. But we stayed with the plan to put in our offer…until an hour later when I got a text from Chris.

Quick backtrack: There was another house we had as our first choice. We were actually scheduled to have a showing the same weekend, however the owners had cancelled it. Turns out they already had an accepted offer. Well guess what… that fell through! On the same day we decided to buy the other property…My house was BACK ON THE MARKET!!! And we hadn’t signed on the offer to the other property yet. What are the odds

The House!

Holy serendipity! I told Chris to STOP THE REALTOR! Call her and schedule a showing ASAP…like that night! I was going to see this house even with a pending snow storm in the forecast. That very evening we all headed to the house right after work and waited for our realtor to arrive. Before we even walked in we knew this was going to be it, and then walking around the kitchen and living room, we all had that feeling of home. It felt familiar, but different. We toured the house top to bottom, walked around the yard and the decks. The yard is fully fenced for the dogs. The house is 2600sqft, 15 years old, so well maintained. There are 6 bedrooms: Bedrooms for us, a guest room for friends and family (#1 for me), an office, and bonus: an art room. The bedrooms are smaller, but we have 2 living spaces as well. A shed outside and an indoor storage space. The one negative…the entryway. Please don’t come in all at once, because you can’t, there’s no room haha. It’s a landing to go up or down stairs. But regardless of that…that was home and we knew it.

So…we put in our offer which was accepted right away and financing was approved thanks to our pre-approval and the tremendous help of Kelly with True North Mortgage. Honestly, Kelly was so helpful and made the process so stress-free and easy. We are so thankful to her.

Are you moved in yet?

Are you moved in yet, you’re are probably asking? NO. We decided to wait to have our things sent from BC until we had the keys to our house…just in case. So March 15th Chris emailed Big Steel Box and had our seacan ready to be shipped out. By April 12th we had received a call from Atlantic Tiltload in Dartmouth that our seacan had arrived and was ready for delivery the next day, anytime between 9am and 4:30pm.

April 13th was going to be a busy one. I luckily started work a bit later for 9:30am, Chris was meeting an installer for the new counter tops at 9am and now our seacan was going to also be delivered. I was really disappointed that I was going to miss the seacan delivery, but at least it was in the same area as us. But guess what! Chris arrived at the house for 9am and Atlantic Tiltload was already there and backed up into the driveway! I was heading to work, so I made a pit stop and got to watch the unloading afterall. My boss called and our delayed start was going a bit longer. Luckily. I could really enjoy this big moment with my family! Our things, our memories, comfort was finally here.

We are going to really miss our rental and its incredible view of the Northumberland Strait everyday. But we are so beyond ready to be in our own space with our own things. One Step Closer!

XO Mel