Off the Island, and on the road…

What a day. Such a broad statement, what could it mean? Good or bad? What a day, I said see you soon to my island and my family. What a day, we saw humpback whales and orcas on the BC Ferry. What a day, we drove from Nanaimo to Kelowna.

What a day: See you soon

We started the day at 5am. Woke up the kids, showered and packed. One big and hard goodbye for Moose and Bowie was to our doggos, Bella and Bailey. Bella is a big blonde Boxer cross who loves Moose more then any of us, really. She gets jealous when we pet Bailey and pushes her big head in the way, catches cookies in the air and loves to be a footrest as she lies in front of the couch. Bailey is my old lady, she is 10 year old shih-tzu terrier….but definitely more terrier. Bailey loves to be where ever I am, even if the kids try to steal her. She has a bad hip and can’t catch cookies at all….we’ve tried, they bonk right off of her head. While we are away I know they will be happy and loved at Mom and Dads. Probably gain some cookie weight…Nana, I’m talking to you 🙂 It then was time for hugs and loves to Grandpa, and waves and loves to Nana who wasn’t feeling well and didn’t want to share (and we do thank you xo). Followed up by tears by mostly me, as we don’t know when we will visit next. Though I know it won’t be too long. So Mom and Dad, I’ll see you soon xo

What a day: Whales

We boarded the Duke Point Ferry out of Nanaimo setting sail at 7:45am this morning. As an islander, you get used to this. If you like concerts, trips to the mainland, sporting events, then you catch the ferry. But I still get that buzz watching out the window in case I might…maybe…see a whale. Well, today was that day. As we join the line of hungry breakfast goers the Captain of the Coastal Renaissance comes over the speaker: “For those who are interested, there are humpback whales on the port side of the boat”. OMG What!! Chris and Bowie ordered and paying already, were able to get to the window in time and see a mighty humpback breach. What an impressive sight…I’m told haha, Moose and I were still in line at that moment. However, Cpt comes on the speaker again, now 3 humpbacks are on the port side. So this time I do what any reasonable 36 year old would do…I get my butt over to the windows and watch as they cruise by, quickly coming up for air. I take in that moment and take it as a sign that our wild and crazy move is on the right path…nature agrees obviously. Now in the final stretch of our ferry ride 2 Orcas were spotted by another kind passenger who promptly alerted us. We watched them surface a few times before fading into the distance. What more do I need to reaffirm my choice but reading the signs.

What a day: Nanaimo to Kelowna

Driving away from the Pacific Ocean was a weird one for me, not going to lie. The ocean is my compass, I find solace in it, I do my best thinking there, it centers me. So to be so far from my ocean for so long….how will that be? Will the Atlantic Ocean feel the same way? Time will tell. Today we hoped to get to the Kangaroo Creek Farm in Kelowna, BC. Traffic and construction delays would only allow us an hour to visit by the time we arrived. Now if you haven’t been there before, trust me, an hour isn’t near enough time! Kangaroos, Capybaras, sugar gliders. I want to see them all. We did discuss skipping it and driving through to make good time. But this is a holiday, not an A to B drive. And so we continued on to Kelowna and booked our hotel with a plan to go the Kangaroo Creek Farm in the morning. Back to the road: Highway 5 is a very scenic drive in autumn. Mountains, rolling hills, trees, farm land and lakes. It’s so enjoyable and relaxing, or must be because I actually slept a fair amount of the way dozing on and off. Thank you Chris, you got us through the Coquihalla and back down, and across the W. Bennett Bridge to our hotel. We unloaded a mountain of luggage, and headed into the room. Bowie was very ready to do some swimming, so to the pool we went. Then off to the Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner, can I add YUMMY!

Now for an early night as there are Roo’s to see in the morning!

More to come, Mel xo

Ready for the Goodbyes?

Everyone is getting tucked into bed and my head is spinning. Tomorrow we catch the BC Ferry from Duke Point, Nanaimo to Tsawwassen,Delta. Yes it’s a trip we’ve done so many times as Islanders. And you do learn to love the ferry, maybe not the extra cost 😉 This time though we leave and aren’t returning a few days later. This time we leave in search of a new home…in a new province! Wow reality. Now I know it’s not really goodbye, just see you soon. But there has been a good few goodbyes this week already which have been hard:

We said goodbye to the Slingshot, one of Chris’s Dads toys that was passed down to us. It has been shipped out with an automotive shipping company called TFX. We said Goodbye to our house. We loved our house, we spent 3 years making it our own. Tending to the gardens, making pizza in the kitchen, watching movies, playing with the doggos. I had my share of tears when there was nothing left to clean or paint and all we had to do was leave. Now I think the hardest part, this afternoon we said goodbye to Chris’s Mom and this evening goodbye to my family, including my sweet nieces S & L, whom I love beyond measure. They are the sweetest souls and I’m going to miss their smiling faces. I’m happy to say tomorrow we’ll briefly see Mom and Dad in the busy morning rush.

We’ve said our goodbyes to many family and friends as the days closed in on us. But before I fall asleep and tomorrow we are busy jetting out the door at 6am and driving the day away. I would like to say I love you. To all of our friends, family and well wishers. ❤️ Your words of encouragement and support have meant the world to Myself, Chris, Moose and Bowie. And though we are leaving this beautiful special Island, it’s not really goodbye…we’ll see you soon.

Xo Mel ❤

Officially Unemployed! 😬🥴🤩

Now I haven’t said that since 2004! At that point in time I had left a minimum wage job, had no kids and was leaving my boyfriend (whom I married!) behind to back pack Europe with my best friend. Was it worth it. Heck ya! A lifetime of memories, adventure, and life lessons in 5 weeks. I wouldn’t change it for the world.

This time is considerably different in a few ways. 1: I have people I’m responsible for, Moose and Bowie. 2: I loved my job and the people I worked with. 3:Going into the unknown when you have such major responsibilities is a bit scary, I’m not going to lie. But again is it worth it? All the signs are pointing to Heck Ya!, but TBD 🤫

I actually love my job.

My role has been an Administrative Assistant at a Physio clinic for the past 7 years. And yes I’ve loved it, though there were hard days and bumps in the road. It’s only the good memories I’ll take with me. You see…this is not your typical office, professionalism is still key and the bar is set high, as it should be 😉 but…

Shenanigans were welcomed and encouraged, at times! Holidays were always celebrated in style. Birthday parties, summer parties and Christmas parties were had. We had an Annual Golf Tournament, poorly played by many of us. Singing out at anytime was a daily occurrence. Playing along with ‘Name That Tune’ was even played by patients in the wait area. Dragons were built for slaying by mighty English Knights. Can your office say that? I think not!!

But on top of all of that: There was laughter, appreciation, and respect. That family feel. We shared our kids or spouses triumphs and trials. When things were tough in our personal lives there was genuine support with no judgement. An inclusive workspace that recognized schedules had to change occasionally with children, family emergencies, or just life for all of us, from Admin to Physio staff.

Now how do you work at a place like that?

Well 2 ways! 1. Join an incredible team like I did. And keep hiring more like minded individuals 2. Have a great boss, who trusts his team to get their jobs done effectively, efficiently and conduct themselves professionally…while still encouraging a fun inviting workspace.

Is this unique? Yes. And it comes from the top. That’s right, from President Business. A nickname used only on ultra serious days, as an attempt to break him out of his current frame of mind. You see, the Bossman has created this clinic culture for all of us, and I am so thankful for it for all the aforementioned reasons. I leave with incredible friends and memories. And they know the door is always open when they come for a visit. The triple bunk beds await guys ❤️.

Cheers to unemployment & adventure.

Xo Mel

Chris’s solo trip to NS

OK, what guy wouldn’t want to jump in his car and take off on a road trip? If this is you then picture this…you’ve caught the BC Ferry out of Duke Point, Nanaimo. It is now docked in Tsawwassen, Delta. Once you start your engine and drive off the ramp its just you, your Camaro, well not just any Camaro…a 2021 Riverside Blue Chevy Camaro LT1 with a 6.2 V8 engine, and the open road. It doesn’t matter what route you choose, radio station, or most importantly…speed, its all up to you from start to finish.

Well that has been Chris’s week. Thursday morning September 1st he caught the 5:15am ferry and took off on his solo journey. Chris had one job to do on this trip: get his Camaro tucked in safely at Summit Vehicle Storage in Stewiacke, NS. This afternoon after 7 days,8 Provinces and 5,442.0 km he arrived in Digby, Nova Scotia.

Chris has chronicled his trip on Facebook, so I will leave the rest of this post to his original words posted at the end of each days journey.

Day one. 879 KM. Made it to Alberta. Few stops today.

Having grown up on Vancouver Island with the ocean at my door step, I never thought the prairies would feel familiar. Yet the vastness of the fields and the strong breeze feels like I’m standing looking at an ocean of grass. The freight train in the distance makes me think of the cargo ships along the coast. I’ve done a lot of reflection in the last day and a half on the road across the country I call home and am so excited to see what else the Great White North has to offer.

Rest Stop in Kininvie, AB

Day two. 878 KM. Canmore AB to Emerald Park SK.

Alberta was very enjoyable. Lots of cows! I love cows. Saskatchewan was good driving. If you like hay, the colour yellow, and 8000 bugs on the front of your vehicle, then SK is the place for you. Either way the Camaro really got to stretch its legs on the hwy 1’s long flat straight stretches.

A moment of reflection while entering Ontario on Day 3:

It’s easily been 25 years since I set foot in the province I was born in and spent the first 4 years of my life. It seems strange but as I neared the border from Manitoba and the landscape began to change, it felt oddly familiar.

Day three. 918km. Emerald Park SK to Dryden ON.

Manitoba surprised me, so green and lush for a prairie province! Made it through fast though. Happy to be in my birth province, it’s been so long.

Day four. 845km Dryden ON to Herst ON.

Not a lot of pics today, still an enjoyable drive though.

Day five. 839 km. Hearst ON to Mont-Lauier QB.

Another quiet day. Missing the family but excited to see NS for the first time.

Day six. 839km. Mont-laurier QB to Grand Falls NB.

Not a lot of pics today, Mel wants to experience Quebec in person so I held back, lots more to come of QB on my next trip. I will attest QB could not be a prettier province, gives BC a run for its money… the drivers though… man o’man they made an art form of tailgating. I did end up staying down the road from the McCains factory which made the giant poo statue with eyes I passed, makes way more sense…. it was a long flat potato 🥔….. I hope… willing to stop and get a picture tomorrow of it if anyone feels they need to see it.

Crossing the border into New Brunswick!

There it is folks. The Atlantic Ocean.

At the Bay Ferries Terminal in New Brunswick: Started this journey on a ferry, may as well end it on one.

Day seven. 536km. Grand Falls NB to Grand Pre NS

He has Eyes on Nova Scotia!

That’s all folks! Seven days from Vancouver Island BC to Nova Scotia. Stay tuned for more pics and a more detailed second trip in later Sept as Mel and I travel across with the kids… yes that’s right, for those who didn’t know I’m doing this twice this month!

Thanks to Chris for sharing his “A to B” trip. Look forward to tagging along in a couple more weeks, and really seeing more of each province on our way.

xo Mel and Chris

We Sold Our House!

Wow, I can’t believe we sold our house! and I’ve started a blog. But what better way to document this epic journey we are about to embarc on. Its like the modern day Dear Diary.

A quick reintroduction if you missed the about me. I’m Melanie: A Vancouver Island born and raised, beach loving, barefoot gardening kind of girl. My husband and I are about to take on the rest of Canada as we move across this incredible country with our 2 kids. All the way from Vancouver Island to Nova Scotia, 4,562 km to be exact. Once we get there, we hope to find a simpler, more affordable lifestyle. And get to enjoy a slower pace while still going out to find adventure. I also can’t wait to check out the sea life and get my hands on an east coast tide guide! Sharing the risk and adventure is my husband Chris, who has been an Islander since age 4, doesn’t care for swimming much but takes us to the beach anyways. Along for the ride is our teen age son, lets call him Moose, and our preteen daughter, she’ll go by Bowie.

We’d better get down to business and get some more packing done, as we are now on count down.

Short and sweet, but much more to come.

Cheers xo Mel