Day 14: Small Town Charm, off to Great Big Falls…

Ready for the road, and we’ve already been on it for two full weeks already! Our goal for today was to head to Chris’s hometown, and get into Niagara Falls. Once in Niagara, we’ll stay for 2 nights and get some real fun in and some normalcy with being in the same place!

We started the day like most of the rest by getting organized and heading down for breaky. Moose was in a much better mood which was really nice to see. Both he and Bowie were excited to see the waffle station at breakfast! We talked about the day ahead and what parts of the trip we’ve enjoyed so far. Once everyone had their fill it was time to go load up the jeep and head out.

Chris’s Hometown:

It was only 1 hour and 45 minutes to Chris’s hometown of Parry Sound, Ontario. A small town located on Georgian Bay off Lake Huron. The drive there is quite pretty, especially in Autumn. There are flashes of Lake Huron in the distance and rivers under small bridges along the way. Parry Sound has an enjoyable village feel. Funky old buildings, busy sidewalks, and a very active harbour. And for the hockey fans out there; Parry Sound is also home to Bobby Orr. Former professional hockey player for both the Boston Bruins and the Chicago Blackhawks, one of ‘the greatest of all time’. You can even go to the Bobby Orr Hall of Fame located right by the harbour.

While we enjoyed our drive through the streets, I asked Chris if much was familiar to him. Not really he said, but then again he left before kindergarten and had only returned twice, last time being a preteen. So we made our way to the harbour. We walked down the pier and gazed out at Georgian Bay. It may be October 4th, but it was as warm and sunny as any day in August. The reflection off the water was sublime.

As we headed off the dock we stopped at the Island Queen Cruise shop and got a few souvenirs for the road, we even considered a boat tour. There are 2 hour and 3 hour boat tours. They travel around Georgian Bay to the many islands of the surrounding areas, very intriguing. But we were on a mission for Niagara Falls, so until next year Island Queen Cruise. Across the dock we headed to Tailwinds Bar and Grill for lunch. We opted to sit on the patio since the weather was so impressive. While we waited for our order we watched a seaplane take off, and the Island Queen set sail. Though there was a fair amount of wasps also taking in the weather…and our lunch, our meals and service was very enjoyable. On the way out we proudly switched into our Parry Sound swag and proceeded to the jeep. We stopped briefly at the West Parry Sound Museum and walked the grounds. Chris and the kids even went up the old Fire Watch Tower which is 30 meters high. I opted for the lilac garden and the frog pond. Bowie tried to catch frogs, but to no avail…I caught 2, just to show off. It was now time to get back on the road…

To Niagara Falls:

Now this part of the drive…I don’t know much about…as again…I was a sleep, for nearly the whole 3 hour drive. I awoke just in time for Chris to show me Toronto off to the left in the distance. He had already passed Canada’s Wonderland and travelled the 403 and we were now on the 407 and headed to the QEW. Holy traffic! We headed straight downtown and arrived at The Vittoria Hotel and Suites. Moose and Bowie could see the Raceway from the car and all the lights from the many attractions. I swear the car was vibrating, just from their excitement. We made great time getting here as it was only 6pm. So we quickly dropped off our things and began exploring.

Niagara Sky Wheel

First stop…The Niagara Sky Wheel. A 175 foot ferris wheel with booths overlooking the falls. As we climbed in and the wheel began to move, Chris asked the kids if they knew how truly big the falls are? They both replied with a “like I know” and “not really”. Their faces lit up as the wheel climbed and the falls fell into view. Moose pulled out his phone to capture the incredible sight, and Bowie continued to exclaim “WOW!”. This is how we wanted to spend Moose’s birthday, we are just a day late haha. If you are in Niagara Falls and debating the Sky Wheel…don’t. Just get in line and enjoy the ride and the unforgettable moments that follow.

Now the bar was set. After seeing the falls from a birds eye view, we walked down Cliffton Hill to see them up-close. Chris got a wee bit sidetracked by Dracula’s Haunted Castle…so we went in. Now, this Haunted Castle has 3 levels of scariness. Our family is no stranger to scary movies or thrillers; however I was still voting level 1. I got outvoted, even by Bowie for Level 2. So, per parent rule she had to go first. I know what you’re thinking…big deal, it’s a silly haunted house. That’s what we thought too. Hell no, it was unnerving.

We made our way up the steps and our vision became very limited, the halls are painted pitch black, there is some very low light, and the odd neon paint smudge ahead. Immediately I felt disoriented and unsure of my footing as I couldn’t see…anything! I wasn’t really sure which way to go and I KNOW; there is a jump scarer ahead. We are all clinging to each other as scary pictures and displays become visible along the corridors, barely lit. And then…the jump scarers begin. I can’t see a thing, barely Bowie ahead of me…and then a deep voice shouts out from behind…we all scream, which makes it scarier…and he chases us. What’s worse; I still have no idea which way to go. Moose is at the lead at this point and hurries us along. Soon after another one screams at us…this time so scary that we run. Still, no vision, the ground under our feet has changed…unsure to what! And then Moose stops, and does not move…then I hear it. Teeth clicking, somewhere ahead in the darkness; clicking, clicking, clicking, getting closer all the time. No one moves…After what felt like 5 minutes, Bowie calls out “We’re all going to die in here! How do we get out?”. Then a raspy voice quietly utters “To the left”. No one moves still…I push everyone and holler “TO THE LEFT!” and we run past the teeth clicking…there is a bit more light here, but where is Moose? “Moose!!!” finally emerges from around the corner. Shortly after, we successfully made our way out! We talked and laughed about it ALL NIGHT!!! So, it must’ve been fun hehe.

Back on the street we headed down for our closer look of the falls. How do you describe in words one of natures wonders of the world without sounding cliché? What I thought I was expecting ended up being so much more. While we watched the power of the falls and listened to the crashing of the water below, the sun began to set. It was pure bliss. I could’ve stayed there all night. Even Moose and Bowie watched in awe. Beautiful is an understatement.

Niagara Falls at Sunset

We headed back up Cliffton Hill enjoying all the action and lights and headed to Benihana for dinner. Benihana! I have never been to a Teppanyaki Grill before so I was excited to share that experience with the kids. Travis, our chef started with a knife and spatula show, tossing and scraping at the hot grill. Shrimp tails tossed into the air, onion volcanos, and heart beating rice. Bowie and Moose watched so intently. A full 5 course meal from the soup to your main dish and cooked in front of you with enthusiasm, entertainment and laughs. A dinner we won’t soon forget.

Back outside, we scouted out the rides and adventures for tomorrow…WE HAVE THE WHOLE DAY IN ONE PLACE!!! Wooohoooo.

Until then xo Mel.

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