Officially Unemployed! 😬🥴🤩

Now I haven’t said that since 2004! At that point in time I had left a minimum wage job, had no kids and was leaving my boyfriend (whom I married!) behind to back pack Europe with my best friend. Was it worth it. Heck ya! A lifetime of memories, adventure, and life lessons in 5 weeks. I wouldn’t change it for the world.

This time is considerably different in a few ways. 1: I have people I’m responsible for, Moose and Bowie. 2: I loved my job and the people I worked with. 3:Going into the unknown when you have such major responsibilities is a bit scary, I’m not going to lie. But again is it worth it? All the signs are pointing to Heck Ya!, but TBD 🤫

I actually love my job.

My role has been an Administrative Assistant at a Physio clinic for the past 7 years. And yes I’ve loved it, though there were hard days and bumps in the road. It’s only the good memories I’ll take with me. You see…this is not your typical office, professionalism is still key and the bar is set high, as it should be 😉 but…

Shenanigans were welcomed and encouraged, at times! Holidays were always celebrated in style. Birthday parties, summer parties and Christmas parties were had. We had an Annual Golf Tournament, poorly played by many of us. Singing out at anytime was a daily occurrence. Playing along with ‘Name That Tune’ was even played by patients in the wait area. Dragons were built for slaying by mighty English Knights. Can your office say that? I think not!!

But on top of all of that: There was laughter, appreciation, and respect. That family feel. We shared our kids or spouses triumphs and trials. When things were tough in our personal lives there was genuine support with no judgement. An inclusive workspace that recognized schedules had to change occasionally with children, family emergencies, or just life for all of us, from Admin to Physio staff.

Now how do you work at a place like that?

Well 2 ways! 1. Join an incredible team like I did. And keep hiring more like minded individuals 2. Have a great boss, who trusts his team to get their jobs done effectively, efficiently and conduct themselves professionally…while still encouraging a fun inviting workspace.

Is this unique? Yes. And it comes from the top. That’s right, from President Business. A nickname used only on ultra serious days, as an attempt to break him out of his current frame of mind. You see, the Bossman has created this clinic culture for all of us, and I am so thankful for it for all the aforementioned reasons. I leave with incredible friends and memories. And they know the door is always open when they come for a visit. The triple bunk beds await guys ❤️.

Cheers to unemployment & adventure.

Xo Mel

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