Ready for the Goodbyes?

Everyone is getting tucked into bed and my head is spinning. Tomorrow we catch the BC Ferry from Duke Point, Nanaimo to Tsawwassen,Delta. Yes it’s a trip we’ve done so many times as Islanders. And you do learn to love the ferry, maybe not the extra cost 😉 This time though we leave and aren’t returning a few days later. This time we leave in search of a new home…in a new province! Wow reality. Now I know it’s not really goodbye, just see you soon. But there has been a good few goodbyes this week already which have been hard:

We said goodbye to the Slingshot, one of Chris’s Dads toys that was passed down to us. It has been shipped out with an automotive shipping company called TFX. We said Goodbye to our house. We loved our house, we spent 3 years making it our own. Tending to the gardens, making pizza in the kitchen, watching movies, playing with the doggos. I had my share of tears when there was nothing left to clean or paint and all we had to do was leave. Now I think the hardest part, this afternoon we said goodbye to Chris’s Mom and this evening goodbye to my family, including my sweet nieces S & L, whom I love beyond measure. They are the sweetest souls and I’m going to miss their smiling faces. I’m happy to say tomorrow we’ll briefly see Mom and Dad in the busy morning rush.

We’ve said our goodbyes to many family and friends as the days closed in on us. But before I fall asleep and tomorrow we are busy jetting out the door at 6am and driving the day away. I would like to say I love you. To all of our friends, family and well wishers. ❤️ Your words of encouragement and support have meant the world to Myself, Chris, Moose and Bowie. And though we are leaving this beautiful special Island, it’s not really goodbye…we’ll see you soon.

Xo Mel ❤

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