Day 18: Today’s the day, West Coast meets East Coast…

October 8th, 2022. Today’s the day!

We woke up today refreshed and ready for the days travels. It’s a bit of a jaunt, being just over 7 hours and a time change ahead as well. But we all know we will be getting into our temporary home tonight!

We hit up some McDonalds for the road and got to it. The day was glorious. Not only because we would finally arrive at our road trip destination, but because it was absolutely gorgeous. The sun was shining, the skies were blue and the energy in the car was restored. Although the temperature outside was cold, only 4 degrees celsius, our coldest morning yet. After 1 hour of driving, we were already in New Brunswick! Woohoo our 1st Maritime Province!

Though we would only be driving through New Brunswick today, we took note of the places we want to visit when we return. These travels to another province will be so much simpler since we won’t have to take a ferry. High five to a $200 savings alone! Sorry BC Ferries, but I’ve paid for you for far too long. I know, I know, what about PEI…well fine, I know I have the option to take a bridge, but I am willing to take that ferry to visit. And I can hardly wait.

Travelling along hwy 2 is a treat. New Brunswick has an abundance of trees as far as you can see. Continuous views of yellow, orange and gold, just hills upon hills with deep enclosed vales. It is so incredibly beautiful. So much so that, New Brunswick nearly stole my heart and we thought maybe we should also be looking here. Plus…it boasts the Worlds Largest Axe, in Nackawic, NB standing at 49ft tall. Did I see it, you ask? NO, at this point Chris would stop for no one haha. He was done with sightseeing and driving location to location! And so, Onward we go, mere hours from home.

New Brunswick Treeline

As we passed Sackville, and made our way to the Nova Scotia border, finally seeing our first glimpse of the Atlantic Ocean. Here; the waters we are seeing is through a branch off the Bay of Fundy, unsure of this ones official name, but there it was just off in the distance! We have waited for this moment since we set off nearly 3 weeks ago! Though it was fleeting, as the hwy carried us on, but I didn’t care. As our new home was right on the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the Atlantic would be on my doorstep for months to come.

It was just after 5:30pm when we finally crossed into our new Province of Nova Scotia! We zipped straight up to the Welcome Centre where the flags were flying and the sun was shining. We parked the Jeep and went right over to the Nova Scotia sign and took the family pics. We even met a couple from Minnesota who were getting ready to explore the province for the next 5 days. I was disappointed that the Welcome Centre itself was closed, meaning I wouldn’t be able to grab my postcards to send home and lapel pins…and then it hit me…I can grab these anytime. We are actually here…to stay!


From here; we still had another hour and 45 minutes until we would be home. So we carried on, now on the 104 of the Trans-Canada Hwy. Taking notice of the different county signs with their individual slogans and the wildlife. What was really paramount, was the devastation from Hurricane Fiona. Large sections of trees uprooted, trees blown over, others broken in half. And this was what we could see from the hwy. As we passed some homes, it changed to missing shingles, buildings blown over, trees blown down in front yards, and broken fences. Keep in mind; our arrival is now 2 weeks after the the hurricane hit. The aftermath we can currently see is still very evident, saddening and extreme.

We did notice as we left New Brunswick however, a convoy of military personnel was leaving Nova Scotia. And shortly after our arrival into Nova Scotia a convoy of linesmen from Quebec was now leaving, as well. A good sign that Nova Scotia, though a long way to go, was on the mend. But now, it was getting dark and we were getting closer to home. So how our area faired would have to wait until morning.

We finally arrived at 8:00pm after one missed turn, thanks to the dark. Unloaded our luggage and quickly explored the house before setting out again….this time for to outfit ourselves with blankets, towels and a few staples. We were back home by 9:00pm, and wouldn’t be heading again tonight.

Though it is late, and we are all tired, we are all happy to be here. Arriving safely, with all of our things, and my trusty Jeep still running well, even after many bumpy roads and potholes.

After 18 days, I am so proud and ecstatic to say that the four of us have now travelled 5,442.0 kms together. Gone through 8 Provinces. Experienced incredible wildlife moments. Visited so many of Canada’s great cities. Stayed in crappy hotels to luxurious ones. And were fortunate enough to also experience some of the Great White North’s greatest natural attractions, tourist attractions and heritage attractions!

So, I say goodnight as a traveller and with thanks for following along with us.

And this isn’t the end. This blog is called Operation Relocation…we may have moved, but we are not really relocated. We have much more exploring to do!!!

Cheers and xo.
