Day 12: Today we drive, and drive and drive…

We checked out early from Valahalla Hotel and Conference Centre. Not because we didn’t enjoy our stay, we truly did. But, because today was the longest planned driving day we’ve done yet without any ‘stops’. Ontario is a very large province, it is HUGE. Actually it’s Canada’s second largest province “covering more than 1 million square kilometres (415,000 square miles) – an area larger than France and Spain combined.” If you’ve never looked at it, check out a map…She’s a big one!

We needed to make up some good time for 2 reasons. 1. Moose’s Birthday is tomorrow and we don’t want to spend the day driving for him, that’s a lame bday. 2. We’re on Day 12 guys…we’re ready to get some km’s in and get closer to Nova Scotia.

We are covering Thunder Bay to Sault Ste. Marie, which is 699.6km and with no stops should take 7 and a half hours. So, of course, we stopped…25 minutes in. A worth while stop at The Terry Fox Memorial built to commemorate his Marathon of Hope. The park is a tranquil setting, you could bring a lunch and sit at the tables surrounded by trees and flowers. The Memorial itself is quite striking. It is Terry Fox mid-run, high upon a large concrete platform with each provinces coat of arms across the front. The impact the memorial had on the kids was quite immediate, having participated in Terry Fox runs since kindergarten. We took our time reading, walking about and looking out at Lake Superior.

As we continued on our way I’ll share a couple Ontario funny ‘road’ trip facts for you:

a) The road…is SPARKLY. Yes, at first I thought it was just glass. But…the sparkles went on…forever. So pretty!

b) The highway number road signs are in the shape of a crown! One of my favourite little things to watch for.

c) The roads…are in great condition! First time I’ve said that! Not to many bumps and grooves. And if there is, it’s already under construction on it.

Somewhere along the way

As we continued on our way I kept hoping we’d pass a moose somewhere along the way, but alas, I’ll have to keep an eye out. Though we did passed these incredible Red Mountains along the way. The road construction even had pink/red crush all around the road from blasting. The drive along Lake Superior Provincial Park is so relaxing. Looking out at the trees with continuous changing colours and all the lakes, I, again fell asleep. A testament to Chris’s smooth driving and a real indicator that the 3 hour time difference in 12 days with constant travel was wearing me down. We took another pit stop, this time a detour down a side road.

Here, Moose took off his sandals and put his feet in Lake Superior, “Bowie was here” was etched in the sand and I walked the beach and combed for treasure. We returned to the jeep and at this point it was my turn to drive for a bit. The whole stretch of todays journey was alongside Lake Superior, just not always in direct view. Can you name all of the Great Lakes? We got 4 out of 5…its been a while. But we should see all but one on the rest of the trip.

We made 2 more stops…I know 7.5 hours is getting a lot longer now…but Ontario is so beautiful. We stopped in White River, ON. Did you know that is where Harry Colebourn bought the real bear, Winnie the Pooh? Me either! Winnie was later donated to the London Zoo which is where A.A. Milne was inspired to write the stories we all know. Our last spontaneous stop was a white sandy beach called Old Woman Bay, named for the shape of a woman’s face displayed in the cliffs along the south shore (which I could not see).

We finally reached Sault Ste. Marie…a little later than we planned and after dinner. We all headed straight up to the room with our luggage. Moose headed out to the sitting area (near our room, don’t worry Mom) for some calls to friends, as tomorrow is his birthday. We ordered dinner from the hotel and settled in for the night.

Long day done for now. Xo Mel