Thinking of NS…

While we have been having fun and exploring. Please know that it is not lost on us that the tropical storm, Hurricane Fiona, was headed straight for our new home in Pictou County. Chris and I had been checking the weather and news daily for updates before she hit. We had hoped that Hurricane Fiona would lose strength, or even change paths. Sadly for the people of Nove Scotia, PEI and Newfoundland/Labrador it did not.

Met with winds of upto 150km/hr the destruction Fiona left in her wake was significant. Power outages, trees uprooted, complete homes and roads lost or washed away. A storm of this magnitude I have never experienced, and we have our fair share with King tides and high winds on the West Coast.

Our hearts and thoughts go out daily to our soon to be community on the East Coast. Though the damage is devastating, and some have lost their homes, thankfully no lives have been lost. Our thoughts are with them as they continue to restore services, clear roadways and rebuild.

Mel xo

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